The International Alliance for the Defense of Rights and Freedoms has expressed in strongest terms, its condemnation for the recruitment and exploitation of children destined to be cannon fodder.

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The information office of the International Alliance : Paris - Geneva - Brussels - Barcelona - New York

As part of its investigations and proper monitoring of this human crime, the International Alliance received a video recorded  document, widely screened on social media networks, exhibiting a large number of recruited innocent children, parading in military uniforms, and carrying real fire weapons, at an age during which other peaceful and ludic activities should rather shape their physical development and psychological balance.

After torough examination it turned out that they were children from Tindouf region located in Algerian Territories.

The International Alliance asserted that the recruitment of children, their exploitation, as well as their involvement in any kind of conflicts and wars, remains totally prohibited and criminalised under international law, as well as it hold all officials involved in the enrollment of children, criminally responsible for their inhuman actions and therefore liable to international legal indictment in respect to their reprehensible acts.

As such, the International Alliance  officials, call on Polisario leaders to take full responsibility for this serious denial of moral obligatons and non compliance with International Law.

At the same token,  the International Alliance  reaffirms its constant engagement and resilient position according to get the parties concerned by the ongoing conflict with the Kingdom of Morocco to return to the negotiating tables, adopt a peaceful and pragmatic approach allowing the swift resolution of the lingering conflict as well as the resumption of a constructive dialogue under the auspice of the United Nations.

The International Alliance,  in full compliance with its international commitments, pledged to deploy all its moral support and mobilises all available means in order to consolidate and promote a just, equitable and long lasting peace within this region.

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