The Earthquake Accross Central Morocco

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Morocco earthquake death toll has reached 1,063 from a powerful 7 -magnitude earthquake that struck the whole Kingdom Friday night, making it the deadliest quake to affect Morocco in decades.

Morocco earthquake death toll has reached  1,063 from a powerful 7 -magnitude earthquake that struck the whole Kingdom Friday night,  making it the deadliest quake to affect Morocco in decades.

Various departments are mobilised and deploying significant human and material resources to reach every city and most damaged remote areas. 

The epicenter was located in the region of the city of Marrakech at about 72 kilometers southwest.

That is to say that most fatalities and casulties occured in rural areas and not in the big cities.

The tremors were the most powerful felt since 120 years and messages of sympathy, confort and solidarity were flowing from all over world.

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