King Mohammed VI of Morocco, surrounded by his top advisers initiated on September 14, 2023, an ambitious emergency program.

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King Mohammed VI of Morocco, surrounded by his top advisers initiated on September 14, 2023, an ambitious emergency program aiming at rehousing the victims of the earthquake and caring for the urgent needs of all affected victims, in accordance with the Royal Instructions edicted earlier, in September 9, 2023.

King Mohammed VI of Morocco, surrounded by his top advisers initiated on September 14, 2023, an ambitious emergency program aiming at rehousing the victims of the earthquake and caring for the urgent needs of all affected victims, in accordance with the Royal Instructions edicted earlier, in September 9, 2023.

It encompasses series of measures ordered by the Moroccan King aimed at deploying all necessary resources, with utmost diligence and efficiency, to duly assist stricken families and affected citizens, with a particular priority to rehabilite and reconstruct the devastated villages with no delay.

The immediate phase of the rehousing program that was presented to the Moroccan Sovereign by the inter-ministerial commission set up pursuant to the High Royal Instruction, covers some 50,000 homes which where either totally or partially destroyed throughout the main five provinces affected.

It focuses on emergency temporary rehousing measures to erect adapted accommodations built in structures designed to withstand both cold and bad weather on one hand, or consisting of reception sites  duly equipped with all the necessary amenities. 

Furthermore, the government is commissioned to grant an emergency financial  aid totalling 30,000 dirhams ( 3,000 USD) to the households concerned.

In this respect, the Moroccan King reminded the relevant authorities to highly prioritise the urgent rehousing agenda with the utmost fairness and diligent care to address the needs of the distressed population.

On a further note, such program which consists of urgent reconstruction, will be deployed after preliminary expertise, land preparation and stabilization work. P

Accordingly, a financial grant amounting to 140,000 dirhams ( 14,000 USD) has been earmarked for completly collapsed dwellings, and 80,000 dirhams ( 8,000 USD) to cover rehabilitation work on partially collapsed homes.

The Moroccan King urged for the need for the reconstruction to duly respect relevant specifications namely technical and architectural norms in harmony with the region's heritage and respecting its specific architectural features.

The Sovereign further advised for a strong, swift and proactive response respecting the dignity, customs and heritage of local citizens.

Besides, the edicted measures are meant to initiate a well-thought-out, integrated and ambitious program not only to reconstruct the devastated zones but also  and to enhance the upgrading of the existing landscape of the affected regions, both in terms of infrastructure reinforcement and improving the quality of public services as it is said.

Such an ambitious and multi-layered initiative will convene substantial government financial resources coupled with funds from public entities and private operators and associations, not to mention the financial assistance emanating from various countries friends of Morocco toward which the Moroccan King has duly extended his thoughful gratitude and heatfelt thanks. 

King Mohamed 6 raised the painful issue of immediate care to be granted to a great number orphaned children left without family or resources, to be promptly identified and granted the status of "wards of the nation", while ordering the government to facilitate swiftly the adoption process by enacting the required bill for this purpose.

In the end, by virtue of both the vision and action of the loved Moroccan King, the whole nation is one more time, demonstrating a remarkable resilience that characterizes it, enabling it to face up to the trials and challenges with resolve, wisdom and determination, as a result of the strength of its institutions and the human spirit of solidarity and generosity of its fellow citizens.

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