Al Haouz earthquake:

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His Majesty the King visits the injured and donates blood.

Marrakesh - His Majesty King Mohammed VI, may God assist him, visited this Tuesday afternoon the “Mohamed VI” University Hospital Center in Marrakesh, during which His Majesty observed the health condition of the injured as victims of the painful earthquake that occurred on Friday, September 8, and enquire about the health services granted to them by the medical teams that was  mobilized to address the major natural disaster  causing significant human and material losses in various regions of the Kingdom.

   This royal initiative, which brought a tremendous moral support to the injured and their families, comes to reinforce the various initiatives and measures that have been taken in this regard, in full compliance with the high royal instructions to rescue, assist and accompany the persons directly affected by the Al Haouz earthquake.

As of today, about 2,171 injured persons have been admited  in various hospitald in the Marrakesh and Safi region, among them 484 bearing serious injuries and 1,570 with mild injuries, while 248 people remain in hospitals to pursue required treatments.

    On this occasion, His Majesty donated blood, in a generous gesture that not only embodies the highly commendable royal care but also expresses His Majesty’s utmost solidarity and compassion for the victims and bereaved families.

    His Majesty's visit to the Mohammed VI University Hospital Center also embodies the royal care that His Majesty extends to the victims of the Al Haouz earthquake, and reinforces the solidarity that exists between His Majesty the King and his people all times, enabling the Kingdom to swiftly overcome crises and look to the future with resiliation and determination.

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