The foreign minister visits Western Sahara and praises US-Moroccan relations: Our relationship is stronger than ever

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Rabat - dpa: The US Assistant Secretary of State for Middle East and North Africa Affairs David Schenker, who is currently visiting Laayoune in the Western Sahara region, praised today, Saturday, the excellent relations between the United States of America and the Kingdom of Morocco, saying that "they have become stronger than ever." He went on, ”MAP reported.

The US official, who was speaking during the ceremony to launch the Center for Education through Sport, added: “It is a defining moment in Moroccan-American relations ... These relationships, which have become stronger than ever, ”.

In this regard, Schenker referred to the historic declaration last month by the United States of America recognizing the full sovereignty of the Kingdom of Morocco over the entire region of the Moroccan Sahara, and opening a consulate in Dakhla.

The American official pointed out that by 2021, 200 years have passed since the United States of America opened a diplomatic mission in Morocco, recalling in this regard that Tangiers is the oldest diplomatic headquarters for the United States in the world.

The US Assistant Secretary of State affirmed that the strong partnership with the non-governmental organization (TEPO - Morocco), which is active in the field of promoting youth education, social integration and human development through basketball, is only part of the US commitment to the benefit of Moroccan youth and the deep friendship between the two countries.

On the economic side, Schenker said that Morocco is the only African country that has a free trade agreement with the United States, saying, in this regard, "We celebrated last week the 15th anniversary of the entry into force of our agreement officially."

Schenker also mentioned that more than 150 American contracting companies are currently operating in the Kingdom of Morocco, as they contribute to creating job opportunities for the benefit of the Moroccan economy.

The American official expressed his hope that these relations would witness further development in the future, and that "their momentum will continue here in the eyes," expressing his "pleasure in facilitating the expansion and spread of (Tipo) in the southern provinces."

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